Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back Again

Well, we were sent back to Doernbecher via Air Life last night. I had a weird feeling yesterday morning that I just needed to come home from work to be with Christian. When I got home, he was very lethargic and just not himself, so I called his cardiologists in Portland. We were told to go ahead and get checked out by his pediatrician at home in Bend. When we got there, it was determined quite quickly that something was very wrong... a few hours later, heart failure was confirmed and we were on our was to the airport. Christian had his first flight in a fixed wing plane last night... and it was horrible! The weather was windy and rainy and the turbulence was insane! We (me and Christian) caught air several times... and banged around A LOT! But we landed safely and then took a ground ambulance to OHSU/Doernbecher. They were very quick to put him on a diuretic in an attempt to rid his body of the large amount of fluid in his chest. He had collected so much that that his heart couldn't take the pressure and his lungs were collapsing.

He is doing better this morning, but it is looking like we will be here through the weekend. The doctors are trying their best to just use drugs to get rid of the fluid  as opposed putting drain tubes in his chest again. Please pray that he will pull through with the IV meds! Chest tubes mean a much longer stay... again.

I will try to keep you all posted and up to date.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers.

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