Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pre-Op Day

First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone for all of your prayers and well wishes. They truly help a BUNCH! We made it to Portland safe and sound at about 6:30 last night. We slept great, but were up bright and early for his 8am appointments.

Our day consisted of a meeting with his surgeons, blood work, a chest x-ray and an echo. We were finished by 2:30. We managed to squeeze in lunch and a trip on the "sky train" or tram. Christian had never been on it before, but LOVED it.

His surgery is scheduled to begin at 7:30 am tomorrow and should finish by 3pm. We will be on the 8th floor of Doernbecher in the P-ICU for 24-48 hours, them moved to the main hospital for the rest of our stay. (which is estimated at 7-14 days)

I will try to keep this blog as updated as possible for you all to follow. We love and appreciate all of you! Please feel free to email me at I can respond faster as I can access it on my phone.

A picture of my little man just a few days ago at a park back home.

I was visited by the superman sticker fairy... He is well know around the hospital apparently.

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