Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Morning After

I was able to sleep a little bit last night... it is amazing how one can sleep through all of the bells, whistles, alarms, buzzers and people constantly walking in and out. Christian has a nurse with him 24/7, which really is comforting. He has opened his eyes a few times and he tries to mouth, "Mommy" over his breathing tube. It really is heartbreaking. Even though his is very sedated and "asleep", he is able to answer yes or no questions... which is cool and sad at the same time. I did ask him if he felt and owies and shook his head no. I asked if he was okay and he shook his head yes. Then I asked if he wanted his cartoons on and he said no... which is weird!

There have been very few changes in his condition over night. They had been talking about trying to extubate him today, but Dr. Langly just told us that it probably won't happen today... he is still relying too much on the machine. His blood pressures have dropped and they are adding albumin to his blood through transfusion right now. They are keeping his body temperature very low to try and keep his metabolism slow... which is hard as a mom because all I want to do is cover him up with a blanket.

His appearance is the same, so I won't add more pictures just yet. he is still very swollen, pale and just laying there, They did have to restrain his hands because in the moments where he tries to wake up, he reaches for his chest tubes. I just sit there and quietly hold his hand. He knows I am there and that comforts me.

If and when there are any changes or I have a new picture, I will update. Thank you all SO much for all of the love... we truly feel it all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well. Thanks for keeping us updated.
