Not too much has happened since the last post, but what little did happen was very important and great. They have decreased his sedation in an attempt to push him towards breathing on his own. He is now doing about half of the work! He has also continued to open his eyes every now and then to see if I am still there. When he sees me, he squeezes my hand and closes his eyes again. His blood pressure is finally stabilized and they are going to put him on a diuretic to help flush some of the fluid build up he has. He is still preferring it to be quiet and does not want cartoons yet. He didn't even want to look at his Ninja Turtles, which was shocking! We have also been told that they actually plan on keeping him in the ICU for about 4 more days... ugh! Oh well though... He is getting such great care here. Here are a few new pictures from today.
Trying to catch some sleep.
Sweet little face
The tubes...
Holding mommy's hand
Just some of his medications
His new blanket
Thank you for your posts, Nicole. It is nice to hear what is happening with him and what progress is being made. We are praying for you as well as for him. I hope you are getting some rest, too. Sending love your way...